Author: Muhammad Asyraf Maarif
SEAMEO 55th Anniversary Celebration
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN, The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) has been established to promote the development of education, science, and culture in Southeast Asian countries for more than a half-decade. SEAMEO as an inter-governmental organization by nature and privilege has followed the direction set by the education ministers of eleven Southeast Asian…
Call for Applications for the SEAMEO Schools’ Network in 2020
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN, On the occasion of SEAMEO’s 55th Year Anniversary, the SEAMEO Secretariat initiates a project entitled “SEAMEO Schools’ Network 2020” aiming to serve as a “Network of Sharing and Development” platform among public and private educational institutions at all levels in 11 Southeast Asian countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia,…
Building the Bridge: How we can better support the learning and well-being of our children as they move to re-engage in Education
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN !! The second of the Nisai Education Trust series of webinars is going to be broadcast at 1300 UK time on 8th July 2020. The webinar is the second in NET’s sequence examining issues in education for children with additional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar will be an opportunity…
SEAMEO QITEP in Science Webinar Series 2020
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN!! SEAMEO QITEP in Science will organize Webinar on Science Teaching-Learning Innovation in the New Normal: Lesson Learnt from Southeast Asian Countries on 24 June and 08 July 2020. This activity is intended to enhance the knowledge of science teachers and education personnel in Southeast Asia on the implementation of science teaching…
2020 SEAMEO-Japan Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Award
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN, The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) in cooperation with UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education are pleased to announce the 2020 SEAMEO-Japan Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Award, with the theme “Addressing Plastic Problems for…
Call for the Nomination on The World Food Prize Laureate 2021
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN.The World Food Prize is the foremost international award recognizing the accomplishments of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity, or availability of food in the world. The World Food Prize is a $250,000 award formally presented at the Laureate Award Ceremony in mid-October, on or around World…
Understanding Shared Histories: A Teaching Packages for Southeast Asia
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN!! A new publication from the Culture Unit of the UNESCO Bangkok Office: “Understanding Shared Histories: A Teaching Packages for Southeast Asia” and was developed by UNESCO Bangkok with funding from the Republic of Korea. For futher information, visit for details. Thank you.
ASEAN – US Science Prize for Women 2020
Greetings from SEAMEO SEN. Having preventive healthcare measures and facilities may provide many benefits for the people but that will require thorough education on how they work so that the public can take advantage of their existence. People must therefore be educated about preventive healthcare, basic understanding on various illnesses and their symptoms and what…