2020 SEAMEO-Japan Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Award

Greetings from SEAMEO SEN,

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) in cooperation with UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education are pleased to announce the 2020 SEAMEO-Japan Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Award, with the theme “Addressing Plastic Problems for Transforming Communities.”

The objectives of the SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award are:

1. To raise awareness of ESD in schools and communities across Southeast Asia;
2. To promote ESD best practices in schools and communities across Southeast Asia;
3. To share and exchange knowledge and best practices on ESD in schools across Southeast Asia and Japan;
4. To encourage networking among schools and communities which implement ESD practices in Southeast Asian countries and Japan; and
5. To support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of United Nations.

We would like to invite all public and private schools as well as vocational and technical schools (certificate level) in 11 SEAMEO Member Countries to participate by submitting the information about their respective school’s activities/programmes relating to the theme. The last day for submission of entries is on 14 August 2020.

For futher information of the award and guidelines for submission of entries, kindly refer seameo.org/2020SEAMEOJapanESDAward or email here.

Thank you.



