Greetings from SEAMEO SEN !!
The second of the Nisai Education Trust series of webinars is going to be broadcast at 1300 UK time on 8th July 2020. The webinar is the second in NET’s sequence examining issues in education for children with additional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The webinar will be an opportunity to explore in greater depth how we can better support the learning and well-being of our children as they move to re-engage in education, but in a much altered context.
The panel will be:
- Professor Barry Carpenter CBE, Chair in Mental Health in Education at Oxford Brookes
- Professor Todd Cunningham, University of Toronto
- Margaret Rooms MBE, for Service to Education
- and the event will be hosted by Trystan Williams, Executive Lead of Venturer’s Trust.
To register for the webinar, kinda refer here: