SEAMEO Secretariat is pleased to announce the Call for Entries for the
SEAMEO-Australia Education Links Award (SAELA) 2016/2017 on the theme
“Addressing Barriers to Inclusion”.
Currently into its fourth cycle, SAELA provides recognition and
financial assistance worth AUD10,000 to a winning project or project
proposal which demonstrates effective and inspiring efforts of
individuals, groups of people, education institutions or organizations
to improve education cooperation and linkages across the SEAMEO Member
Countries (MC) and between SEAMEO MC and Australia.
Eligible entries should present examples of education-related
initiatives which are implemented or to be implemented in Southeast Asia
and with participation of a country or countries in Southeast Asia and
Australia. Samples of entries could include capacity development for
teachers, support for development of curriculum and educational
materials, research consortium, advocacy and networking, media
collaboration, community-based development work, and others on relating
to the theme.
Reference document for Call for Entries for this cycle
of SAELA and information on the Award is available online at Starting this cycle, SAELA entry
submission is through an online form. The link is available at the
Award information page. The deadline for submission of entries is on 31
MAY 2017.
Thank you very much for your attention.