We would like to inform you about the Logo Design Competition for “ASEAN-China Educational Exchange Year” by our partner, the ASEAN-China Centre. The ASEAN-China Educational Exchange Year in 2016 is endorsed by ASEAN nation leaders at the 18th China-ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in November 2015. The event is listed as one of the flagship activities of the 2016 ASEAN-China Educational Exchange Year.
The objective of the Logo Design Competition is to raise awareness and promote understanding among the public on the importance of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange Year. The Logo Design Competition is open and the winner will receive a certificate and a reward of CNY20,000 (approximately USD3,000).
Any interested designers can download the applications via website ( http://www.asean-china-centre.org ) and submit the application via post or email BY 6 MARCH 2016. The notice for the competition and the application form are enclosed.
For more details, can refer here and the application form here .
Thank you.